Product Guide
VESDA ECO Detector by Xtralis
Principles of Operation
Perform the calibration/bump test as follows
If the ECO is not installed with a permanent calibration pipe, remove the
red blanking plug from the gas cal port by depressing the black outer ring
of the port fitting and pulling on the plug. Insert the calibration gas pipe
into the calibration port.
If the ECO is installed with a permanent calibration pipe to the calibration
port, remove its end seal/plug and attach the calibration gas supply to the
fitted calibration pipe.
With the gas connections made and checked for tightness, apply the
calibration gas at a controlled flow rate of 2 litres per minute to the unit.
When bump testing, if necessary disable the Alarm relays to avoid
initiation on associated executive actions, for Xtralis VSC refer to page 54.
Ensure that the measured value is within the expected range for the gas
concentration applied, and that any related indicators, relays and current
outputs react as expected.
When calibrating, use Xtralis VSC, or the 3
party control system, to
initiate the calibration process. During the calibration process, the relays
are automatically de-activated and the current outputs will be driven to
When the calibration is complete, ensure that the resulting reading is
stable and within the expected limits and if so switch off the gas supply
and disconnect the pipe from the ECO device, making sure that the gas
cylinder is securely closed.
When the bump test/re-calibration process is complete, reseal the
connection to the calibration gas port. Replace the red blanking plug when
the gas supply pipe is removed from the calibration port or seal the end of
the calibration pipe if this is permanently installed. This is required for the
unit to be able to accurately measure the gas and flow in the sample
chamber during normal operation.