VESDA ECO Detector by Xtralis
Product Guide
Fault Condition
Possible Explanations and Corrective Actions
The microSD card does not store
logged data correctly
Check that the card is correctly inserted, and that the event and data logging
configuration is correct. Replace the memory card. Any microSD compatible card up
to 4GB is suitable
The Internal Clock is resetting to
Midnight on 1
January 2000
Check that the clock is being set correctly by Xtralis VSC. If the clock settings are
being lost when power is removed from the unit, it may be that the internal battery
needs to be replaced. Refer to the Service and Maintenance section on page 76 for
details how to do this
The Current Output does not
track the gas readings
Check the current output configuration settings using Xtralis VSC. Ensure that the
load resistor used, and general connections of the output are as specified in the
Electrical installation section on page 21. If the unit is being powered via the USB
connector, i.e. without the main power connected, the Current Outputs will not operate
as they require the main power input to function.
The Relays do not respond to
alarms or faults
Check that the relay configuration settings are correct using Xtralis VSC. If any
warnings or faults are indicated, refer to the Xtralis VSC faults section below. If the
unit is being powered via the USB connector, i.e. without the main power connected,
the Relays will not operate as they require the main power input to function.
The Sensor readings or alarms
do not respond when the target
gas is applied.
Ensure that the gas being applied is of the correct mixture, and that the “balance” is
appropriate, e.g. do not use gas mixtures with a balance of Nitrogen when testing any
of the flammable sensors. Check the gas connection to the unit. If the sensor
readings are responding but not generating alarms conditions then check the Alarm
configurations using Xtralis VSC.