VESDA ECO Detector by Xtralis
Detector Location
Detector Location
Any installation of an ECO gas detector must comply with local
safety regulations and to the fire safety regulations when being fitted as
part of a fire detection network.
Before commencing the installation process the system designer and installer must
first carefully consider where in the pipe network the ECO device is to be located.
The initial stage of the design process requires completion and submission of the
VESDA ECO application form. This is available from, and should be returned
your local Xtralis Field Applications Engineer or qualified distributor / installer.
To be effective the ECO device must be installed with a properly designed and laid
out aspiration pipe network. If the unit is to be fitted to an existing pipe network, the
designer and installer of the system must ensure that the addition of ECO gas
detectors does not invalidate the certification of the installed system.
There are three possible mounting configurations for the ECO detector
Figure 2 below.
Figure 2 - Alternative gas detection configurations
Localized Point Mounting - mounting a detector at a specific location in
the pipe network permits localized monitoring to give earlier detection of
gas levels in a higher risk area, reducing both the transport time and
possibly the dilution of the sample.
Inlet Mounted - mounting a detector on one of the inlets of the aspirator
permits selective monitoring of that branch of the pipe network.
Exhaust Mounted - mounting a detector on the exhaust
permits the entire pipe network to be monitored by a single detector.
Product Guide
Any installation of an ECO gas detector must comply with local electrical
when being fitted as
tallation process the system designer and installer must
first carefully consider where in the pipe network the ECO device is to be located.
The initial stage of the design process requires completion and submission of the
s is available from, and should be returned to,
your local Xtralis Field Applications Engineer or qualified distributor / installer.
To be effective the ECO device must be installed with a properly designed and laid
fitted to an existing pipe network, the
designer and installer of the system must ensure that the addition of ECO gas
detectors does not invalidate the certification of the installed system.
ECO detector, as shown in
Alternative gas detection configurations
mounting a detector at a specific location in
ized monitoring to give earlier detection of
gas levels in a higher risk area, reducing both the transport time and
mounting a detector on one of the inlets of the aspirator
of that branch of the pipe network.
n the exhaust of the aspirator
to be monitored by a single detector..