file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Miz%20B/My%20...UGTA/Nuvera%209.0%20UGTA_FINAL/English/admin_30.htm8/13/2008 11:23:08 AM
Reading the Billing Meters
Following are descriptions of what each Billing Meter is tracking. Make sure you have correctly identified your region.
Billing Regions
Descriptions of Billing Meters
Billing Region 1
Meter A
-Represents total impressions to output destination.
Meter C
-Total impressions for all jobs that reach a breakpoint value.
Billing Region 2
Meter 2
-Total impressions printed on sheets wider than 16 ".
Meter 3
-Total impressions for sets 11-18.
Billing Region 3
Meter B
-Total impressions for all jobs that reach a breakpoint value.
Billing Region 4
Meter 2
-Total impressions for each image of a job up to and including the last sheet of the 10th set.
Meter B
-Represents total impressions for each image of job up to and including the last sheet of the 10th set.
Meter D
-Total impressions for all images of a job above a breakpoint value.
Meter E
- Total impressions printed on sheets wider than 16 " (Nuvera 288 Perfecting System only)
Meter 1
-Total impressions to output destination.
Meter 4
-Total impressions for set 19.
Meter 5
-Total impressions for all jobs that reach a breakpoint value.
Meter 6
- Total impressions for all images of a job above a breakpoint value.
Meter A
-Represents total impressions to output destination.
Meter C
-Total impressions for all images of a job above a breakpoint value.
Meter D
- Total impressions printed on sheets wider than 16" (Nuvera 288 Perfecting System only)
Meter 1
-Represents total impressions to output destination.
Meter 3
-Total impressions printed on sheets wider than 16 " (Nuvera 288 Perfecting System only).
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Region 1
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4
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