file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Miz%20B/My%...GTA/Nuvera%209.0%20UGTA_FINAL/English/adv_040.htm (1 of 2)8/13/2008 1:35:54 PM
Copying Document Sets with Mixed-Size Sheets
There may be instances where the document set you want to copy is made up of several document sizes. The Document Feeder on
the Xerox Nuvera can be programmed to process document sets comprised of mixed-size originals.
For example, a user wants to compile different documents into one cohesive collection. The set has 8.5 x 11 inch and 11 x 17 inch
originals. The user can load those originals into the Document Feeder with the 11 inch edge going into the Document Feeder first. With
Mixed Size Originals
) selected, the system will process the document set.
There are certain constraints when using this feature. See the sections below for details.
If Mixed Size Originals has NOT been selected:
Some jobs and features may not work without selecting the Mixed Size Originals feature.
All output will be printed on the media the size of the largest original document.
Images from the smaller originals will be placed in the upper left corner of the output paper.
When the Mixed Size Originals (MSO) feature IS selected:
To copy documents with mixed-size originals
MSO and
1 to 2 Sides
Imaged cannot be selected together.
Special Pages (Covers, Exception Programming, Inserts) can not be used.
Signatures/Booklets can not be used.
N-up can not be used.
1. Place the document set in the Document Feeder. The set must be arranged so that the leading edges of all sheets are the
same width.
2. In the Xerox Nuvera User Interface, click
, then click the
Image Edit
3. On the
Image Edit
tab, click the
Original Size
4. Choose the
Mixed Size Originals
radio button. Take note of the constraint on this control, regarding the original paper sizes it
will accept.
5. Click <
(R/E) must be set to 100%.
How Do I?
System Tour
Problem Solving
: This feature is only available if your system includes the integrated Document Scanner module for copying and
scanning jobs.
: The default setting for MSO is off. The MSO default can not be changed.
: If MSO is enabled, and you load a set of same size documents, the job will still process with no errors or warnings.
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