Xerox WorkCentre 450c/450cp Service Manual
Page 2-15
RAP 2.4: Power Supply
See Parts List 3.1
Low or out of specification voltages on a
power supply may be the result of a
problem elsewhere in the power
distribution system. This RAP will
isolate the problem to a known
subsystem on the WorkCentre 450c/
1. Perform RAP 2.2: Power Supply
DC Voltage Check on page 2-12.
Result: Power supply readings are
within specification?
Disconnect the scanner motor
wiring harness from CN5. Go to
Step 2.
End of RAP. There is no
2. Perform the voltage checks given in
the Power Supply DC Voltage Check
Result: Power supply readings are
within specification?
Disconnect the wiring harness
from connector OPE on the
scanner relay board. Go to Step 3.
There’s a problem with the
scanner motor. Replace it, then
go back to step 1.
3. Perform the voltage checks given in
RAP 2.2: Power Supply DC Voltage Check on page 2-12.
Result: Power supply readings are within specification?
Disconnect the wiring harness from connector CN3 on
the main board). Go to Step 4.
There’s a problem with the control panel. Replace it,
then go back to step 1.
4. Perform the voltage checks given in
RAP 2.2: Power Supply DC Voltage Check on page 2-12.
Result: Power supply readings are
within specification?
Disconnect the two wiring harnesses CN10 and CN4
(main board to printer). Go to Step 5.
There’s a problem with the scanner assembly.
Replace it, then go back to step 1.
5. Perform the voltage checks given in
RAP 2.2: Power Supply DC Voltage Check on page 2-12.
Result: Power supply readings are within specification?
Disconnect the wiring harness from the analog board
to the LCU (USA only) or unplug the LCU
(RX and France). Go to Step 6.
There’s a problem with the printer.
Replace it, then go back to step 1.
6. Perform the voltage checks given in
RAP 2.2: Power Supply DC Voltage Check on page 2-12.
Result: Power supply readings are within specification?
Replace the main board (REP 5.1.2: Main Board on page 4-39).
End of RAP.