EC declaration of conformity
according to EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex II, 1.A
Wood-Mizer Industries sp. z o.o.
Nagórna 114, 62-
Tel. +48 63 26 26 000
This declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.
Following machine in our delivered version complies with the appropriate essential safety and health
requirements of the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC based on its design and type, as brought into
circulation by us. In case of alteration of the machine, not agreed by us, this declaration is no longer valid.
We, the undersigned herewith declare, that:
Designation of the machine:
No. of manufacturer:
Is in conformity with the following
EC directives:
EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
EC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU
And is in conformity with the following
Harmonized Standards:
PN-EN ISO 12100:2012
PN-EN 1807-2: 2013-08
PN-EN ISO 13849-1:2016-02
PN-EN 60204-1:2010
PN-EN ISO13857:2010
PN-EN ISO 4413:2011
Notified Body according to annex IV :
PZ.LSV; Pruf- und Zertifizierungsstelle des
Spitzenverbandes der landwirtschaftlichen
Notification No:
EC type - examination certificate no: LSV-EG-2015/104
Responsible for Technical Documentation:
Wood-Mizer Industries Sp. z o.o.
Tel. +48 63 26 26 000
Place / Date / Authorized Signature
Engineering Manager