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Dante Clock Selection
While the Brooklyn’s internal clock is highly accurate, the AMP2-16V does not have
provisions for external audio sync clocks or GPS time sources. So it is generally not
the best candidate to be the PTP Master Clock (commonly called the “grandfather
clock”) for the AoIP network. It can be set as the preferred master if no better clock
source exists.
The Brooklyn Dante board will serve as a temporary fallback clock source if
preferred masters are interrupted. It functions as an accurate slave clock
synchronized to the master clock on the network when not operating as the master.
Figure A-6: Preferred Master Clock Selection
Preferred Master Clock
Channel Names
The AMP2-16V uses the BKLYN-II default network channel names of Pair 1L, Pair
1R, Pair 2L, etc. The network controller can change these names as desired, but
AMP2-16V channel/pair selections will remain as the original default [Slot n (Dante)
Pair n].
Only 48kHz audio sample rates are currently
supported by the AMP2-16V.
Default rate is
48kHz, which can only be changed via network
reconfiguration such as Dante Controller.
Connected devices must be set to the same rate.