030-300408 Rev. B
August 2005
VersaLink™ Gateway (Model 327W)
User Guide
5 = Expedited Forwarding (EF)
6 = Routing Protocols (DiffServ priorities 6 and 7)
Max Queue Size
The maximum number of packets that can be queued for this priority.
Total Dropped Packets
Indicates how many packets of this priority have been dropped by QOS due to
lack of buffer space or filtering rules.
Total Enqueued Packets
Displays the number of packets, destined for the WAN, that have been
Current Depth
Displays the current number of packets of this priority that are queued.
Deepest Depth
Displays the most number of packets that have been queued at once for this
QOS Filter Statistics
Queue Number
The DiffServ Queue. (See Queue Number description above.)
Peak Info. Rate (%)
The maximum allowed rate for this priority, expressed as a percentage of the
DSL rate.
Committed Info Rate (%)
The committed rate for this priority, expressed as a percentage of the DSL rate
Peak Burst (ms)
Displays the interval in milliseconds for averaging the peak offered rate.
Committed Burst (ms)
Displays the interval in milliseconds for averaging the committed offered rate.
Total Packets Received
Displays the total number of packets of this priority that are destined for the
Total Marked Packets
Displays the number of packets of this priority that exceeded the committed
rate, but not the peak rate, and were marked with a higher drop priority
Total Filter Packet Drops
Displays the number of packets of this priority that exceeded the peak rate and
that were, therefore, dropped.
Avg. DSL Bytes Per Packet
Displays the average size of packets for this priority, including all overhead.
Avg. Packet Rate Per second
Displays the average rate (in packets per seconds) for this priority.
QOS Latency Counts
Queue Number
The DiffServ Queue. (See Queue Number description above.)
Not Time Stamped
The packets with no incoming time stamp. (Often these are generated internal
to the modem.)
A ms to B ms
The number of packets of this priority whose time in the modem fell between
A and B milliseconds. (Time is measured from the point the packet arrives at
the modem’s processor until is passed to the ATM hardware for transmission.)
Possible ranges are (A ms to B ms):
0 ms to 10 ms
10 ms to 20 ms
20 ms to 40 ms
40 ms to 100 ms
100 ms to 1000 ms
1000 ms to 3000 ms
Larger than 3000 ms