030-300408 Rev. B
August 2005
VersaLink™ Gateway (Model 327W)
User Guide
VC 1 Configuration
This setting allows you to change your VPI (Virtual Path Indicator) value for a
particular VC, which is defined by your Service Provider.
This setting allows you to change your VCI (Virtual Channel Indicator) value for a
particular VC, which is defined by your Service Provider.
Factory Default = 100%
Peak Cell Rate (PCR)-The maximum rate at which cells can be transmitted across a
virtual circuit, specified in cells per second and defined by the interval between the
transmission of the last bit of one cell and the first bit of the next.
This value is a percentage of the current data rate.
100 allows this VC to use 100% of the available bandwidth.
80 allows this VC to use 80% of the available bandwidth.
Quality of Service, which is determined by your Service Provider.