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Brightness on ON telegram
This brightness is activated by ON telegram via object 27 with
suitable parameterization.
Fade time on ON telegram
This fade time is active when an ON telegram is received. The
period refers to a complete dimming process of 0-100%.
Behavior on OFF telegram
This parameter describes the behavior of the dimmer when an
OFF telegram is received via object 27.
It is available:
No reaction
Dim to fix value
Brightness on OFF telegram
This brightness is activated by OFF telegram via object 27 with
suitable parameterization.
Behavior on 2. OFF telegram
This parameter describes the behavior of the dimmer when a 2.
OFF telegram is received via object 27.
It is available:
No reaction
Switch off
The 2. OFF telegram must follow the 1. OFF telegram within 1
second in order to be evaluated. If the current brightness is
equal to or lower than the parameterized brightness for OFF tele-
gram, the device is already switched off by the 1. OFF telegram.
Fade time on OFF telegram
This fade time is active when an OFF telegram is received. The
period refers to a complete dimming process of 0-100%.
Day/night switching
When using this function, the following object is visible for
switching between day/night mode:
Group Object
Type KNX
GO 30 RGB A: Day/Night - Switch
1 Bit
From KNX
Day mode is triggered with an ON telegram on the object, night
mode with an OFF telegram. After a restart, the device is in day
Telegrams on object 30 affect all activated day/night
switches of the RGB channel.
In addition, it can be determined when the values become active
after receiving a telegram on this object, it is available:
Switch on day/night telegram
Immediately after reception of day/night switching, it is
dimmed to the active value according to the last
switch-on/switch-off received via object 27.
Switch on next on/off telegram
The currently active value is not used until the next
switch on/off telegram via object 27.
There is a separate switch-on and switch-off brightness for night
mode in the parameters, in day mode the always visible bright-
ness values are used.
Brightness on ON telegram (night)
If the dimmer is in night mode, this value is activated by ON tele-
gram via object 27 and suitable parameterization.
Brightness on OFF telegram (night)
If the dimmer is in night mode, this value is activated by OFF tel-
egram via object 27 and suitable parameterization.
Fade time for day/night switching
This fade time is only active if switching on day/night telegram is
used. If switching on next on/off telegram is used, the regular
fade time of the respective on or off telegram is active. The pe-
riod refers to a complete dimming process of 0-100%.
Object change Brightness (rel.)
To change the brightness via relative dimming commands, the
following object is available, if activated via parameters:
Group Object
Type KNX
GO 28 RGB A: Brightness dimming rel. -
4 Bit
From KNX
Minimal brightness while changing with object
This parameter can be used to set the minimum brightness that
can be achieved by relative dimming. If the current brightness is
below the minimum value, the brightness cannot be reduced via
object 28.
Maximal brightness while changing with object
This parameter can be used to set the maximum brightness that
can be achieved by relative dimming. If the current brightness is
above the maximum value, the brightness cannot be increased
via object 28.
Fade time while increasing brightness with object
This fade time is active when the brightness is increased by rela-
tive dimming with object 28. The period refers to a complete dim-
ming process of 0-100%.
Fade time while decreasing brightness with object
This fade time is active when the brightness is decreased by rel-
ative dimming with object 28. The period refers to a complete
dimming process of 0-100%.
Object set value Brightness (abs.)