Billing Policy
A billing policy determines the cost types and the amount of chargeable computing resources units to be
considered for calculating the chargeback cost.
vCenter Chargeback provides the following billing policies:
Fixed Cost
Only the fixed costs associated with each entity in the chargeback hierarchy is
considered for billing. The actual usage of the chargeable computing resources
is ignored.
Actual Usage
In this policy, the actual utilization of the chargeable computing resources of
the virtual machines is determined. The total cost is then calculated by using
the base rates set in the cost model and the actual used units of the chargeable
computing resources.
This policy takes into account the capacity of a chargeable resource reserved
for a virtual machine. vCenter Server allows only CPU and memory
reservation. This reserved capacity of CPU and memory along with the actual
utilization of other chargeable computing resources is used for calculating the
total cost.
This policy takes into account the user-defined allocation units of chargeable
computing resources for the chargeback entities. The allocated units along with
the base rates defined in the cost model is used for calculating the total cost.
CPU Reservation
This policy takes into account the CPU capacity reserved for a virtual machine.
This reserved CPU capacity along with the actual utilization of other
chargeable computing resources is used for calculating the total cost.
Memory Reservation
This policy takes into account the memory capacity reserved for a virtual
machine. This reserved memory capacity along with the actual utilization of
other chargeable computing resources is used for calculating the total cost.
Maximum of Usage and
In this policy, the maximum of the used and reserved units of CPU, the
maximum of the used and reserved units of memory, and the actual utilization
of other chargeable computing resources is used for calculating the total cost.
Maximum of CPU Usage
and CPU Reservation
In this policy, the maximum of used and reserved units of CPU along with the
actual utilization of other chargeable computing resources is considered for
calculating the total cost.
Maximum of Memory
Usage and Memory
In this policy, the maximum of used and reserved units of memory along with
the actual utilization of other chargeable computing resources is considered for
calculating the total cost.
Fixed Cost and Actual
This policy takes into account the fixed costs associated with the entity and the
actual utilization of the chargeable computing resources for calculating the
total cost.
Fixed Cost and
This policy takes into account the fixed costs associated with the entity and the
user-defined allocations units of the chargeable computing resources for
calculating the total cost.
Fixed Cost and
This policy takes into account the fixed costs associated with the entity, the
reserved capacity of CPU and memory, and the actual utilization of other
chargeable computing resources for calculating the total cost.
vCenter Chargeback User’s Guide
VMware, Inc.