Creating Users
You can create multiple users and groups in vCenter Chargeback as per your requirements. You must have
the Super User role or the Administrator role to create users.
The application lets you create the following types of users and groups:
Local User
This is a vCenter Chargeback user whose details are defined in vCenter
This is a Windows Active Directory user. The LDAP server must be configured
in vCenter Chargeback to add such a user. The details of the user are defined
in the Windows Active Directory.
LDAP Group
This is a Windows Active Directory group. The LDAP server must be
configured in vCenter Chargeback to add such a group. The group details are
defined in the Windows Active Directory.
vCenter Chargeback also defines another type of user called VC User. This is a vCenter Server user. This user
can access vCenter Chargeback from the VI Client when he logs in to a vCenter Server that has been added to
vCenter Chargeback with the Register As VI Client Plugin option selected.
Create a Local User
A local user is a user whose account details are defined in the vCenter Chargeback application. You can create
more than one local user in the application.
You must have the Super User role or the Administrator role to perform this task.
Only a user with the Super User role can assign a role when creating a user.
In the Users & Roles tab, click Users.
A table listing all the users created in the application is displayed.
Click Create.
The Add User Account screen is displayed.
Enter the type, name, and authentication details of the user.
User Type
The user type must be Local.
User Name
A unique name to identify the user. The user name cannot exceed 255
characters in length.
A password to authenticate the user. The password must not exceed 24
characters in length.
Confirm Password
Re-enter the password.
Select the required option from the Role section.
The default is not to assign any role to the user. You can alternately assign the Super User role or the
Administrator role to the user on vCenter Chargeback.
Click Add.
The newly created user is added to the table displaying the users and groups created in the application.
Chapter 4 Authenticating and Managing Users, Roles, and Permissions
VMware, Inc.