Configuration with web browser
VideoJet 400
You can choose between high (CIF) and low (QCIF) video resolu-
The Common Intermediate Format (
) supports a local reso-
lution of 288 lines × 352 pixels. This is the resolution used in the
standard setting.
The format Quarter CIF (
) offers the resolution 144 lines
× 176 pixels.
Choice of the lower resolution can be expedient if you give prefer-
ence to a high frame rate over a high video resolution.
Output standard:
Here you can select the video standard for the monitor output (PAL
or NTSC) for the control cabinet version which is also used as a
Max. transmit bandwith:
Here you can define the maximum limit for the transmission rate
and the data rate for the ActiveX receivers of your browser on the
transmitter side. This value relates only to the video transmission
rate (without audio and protocol). The receivers can log into the
transmitter with a lower or with the same data rate.
In streaming mode, this value indicates the data transmission rate
of the streamed video. Select a video transmission rate between
10 kbit/s and 1 Mbit/s.
Video on
Start Page
Enable JPEG or ActiveX:
You have the possibility to choose whether live pictures are dis-
played by JPEG server push (
) or by the installed ActiveX
control (
ActiveX live video
If the ActiveX control is not installed on your computer, a corres-
ponding message will be displayed when you switch to the live
image page. The latest version of the ActiveX control is available
from your VCS service centre.