: S
0 2 . 9 6 7 3 . 0 0 0 1 A
22 - May- 0 1
Diagnostic Tests
The following diagnostic tests are available in the test menu. Time is specified for
each action in the test, and the total time equals the time it takes to complete each
action. If the time is zero the luminaire will perform the test at full speed.
For specific DMX values for each test see
“Diagnostic Tests” on page 76
Test Descriptions
ALL1 .................... Tests low voltage power supplies by moving all motors at once.
ALL2 .................... Tests all functions and provides a burn in or soak test.
Cwl1 .................... Steps through each position of color wheel to verify order. The test
then performs a Max forward spin, stops, and performs a Max
reverse spin.
Cwl2 .................... Tests color wheel stabilizers. Performs Max reverse spin, stops on
a color, and then stops on the sensor.
Cwl3 .................... Test color wheel stabilizers. Steps through selected colors.
Dim1 .................... Fast dimmer test from full to closed.
Dim2 .................... Slow dimmer test from full to closed.
Dim3 .................... Tests different dimmer moves.
EDG1................... Fast edge test from min to max.
EDG2................... Slow edge test from min to max.
FG1 ..................... Fixed gobo test. Steps through every gobo, performs a max
forward spin and a max reverse spin.
FG2 ..................... Fixed gobo test. Performs a max reverse spin, stops on a gobo,
and then stops on the sensor.
FG3 ..................... Fixed gobo test. Steps through selected gobos.
Irs1 ...................... Fast iris test. Goes from min to max.
Irs2 ...................... Slow iris test. Goes from min to max.
PT1...................... Fast pan and tilt from stop to stop.
PT2...................... Slow pan and tilt from stop to stop.
Pan1 .................... Fast pan only test from stop to stop.
Pan2 .................... Slow pan only test from stop to stop.
Pan3 .................... Tests different pan movements.
RG1 ..................... Rotating gobo test. Goes through wheel positions.
RG2 ..................... Rotating gobo test. Goes through index and rotation positions.
Tlt1 ...................... Fast tilt only test from stop to stop.
Tlt2 ...................... Slow tilt only test from stop to stop.
Tlt3 ...................... Tests different tilt movements.
Str........................ Strobe test that tests 0-Open, 4-Closed, 11-Fast Random, 255-
Max Strobe actions.
Zm 1 .................... Slow zoom test.
Zm 2 .................... Fast zoom test.
Zm 3 .................... Tests different zoom movements.
The chart on the following page shows the 16-bit DMX values used in each test.