56K Softmodem
Command Reference
- 69
Test and Debug AT Command
The following command is used for testing and debugging only. It is not meant for
general use.
#UD—Unimodem Diagnostics
This command is defined by
’s* unimodem diagnostics command
specification. The 56K Softmodem implements a subset of the parameters in that
#UD is an action command. It does not take parameters. It should be the last
command in the command line. The modem logs aspects of its operation for each
call and saves these results in volatile memory until cleared by one of the
following events. These results are not cleared by changing DTR, V.24 circuit
, or
Power off (or
state entered).
Hard reset (e.g., negate DTR with
set, reset button).
Soft reset =
command issued.
Automatic answer (e.g., set register S0 > 0 and ring detected). In
response to this command, the modem reports one or more lines of information
text. Information text format is defined in ITU-T recommendation V.253. Each line
is both preceded and terminated by a <CR><LF> pair. Note that, as per V.253, CR
and LF characters may be changed by writing new values to the contents of
registers S2 and S3 respectively.
DIAG <token key = value [[key = value [key = value]] . . . >
DIAG = 5 characters, hexadecimal 44, 49, 41, 47, 20.
’<’ = left angle bracket, hexadecimal 3C.
’=’ = equal sign, hexadecimal 3D.
’>’ = right angle bracket, hexadecimal 3E.
token = unique 32-bit hexadecimal string, i.e., 2A4D3263.
key = one- or two-digit hexadecimal number. See Table 4-16: #UD Last Call
Status Report Format on page 71.
value = any string.
Unless otherwise noted, all values are hexadecimal numbers. Any numeric values
from tables in ITU-T recommen
dation V.58 are converted to hexadecimal. Multidigit values are reported MSD
first. Leading zeros may be deleted. The following table includes all items listed in
specification for the
command. The items that have an X in the
Implemented column have been implemented in this release.
Please refer to
’s unimodem diagnostics command specification for
more information.