56K Softmodem
Command Reference
- 46
Table 3-81: <pending_TD> Parameter Values
Table 3-82: <pending_RD> Parameter Values
Table 3-83: <timer> Parameter Values
Table 3-84: +ETBM Extended Syntax Commands
+EWIND=<value_1>,<value_2>—Window Size
Use this command to set the maximum number of acknowledged frames allowed
at the link layer. Changes set by the command take effect when the next
connection is established. <value_1> sets the maximum window size for the
transmit direction and <value_2> sets the maximum window size for the receive
direction. The default value for <value_1> is 15.
Result codes:
if <value_1> = 1—31 and <value_2> = 0.
if <value_1> does not equal 1—31 or <value_2> does not equal 0.
Value Description
Modem discards all buffered data immediately and disconnects.
Modem ignores the timer and attempts to deliver the data until it is acknowledged. If the
remote DCE disconnects, discard the remaining data.
Modem attempts to deliver the data until the data is acknowledged. If the remote DCE
disconnects, or the timer expires, discard the remaining data.
Value Description
Modem discards all buffered data immediately and disconnects.
Modem ignores the timer and attempts to deliver the data until it is acknowledged. If
the local DTE request a disconnect, discard the remaining data.
Modem attempts to deliver the data until the data is acknowledged. If the local DTE
request a disconnect, or the timer expires, discard the remaining data.
Value Description
Modem does not attempt to deliver data.
Modem attempts to deliver data for the amount of time set by the <timer> parameter.
Command Description
Sets the modem behavior during call termination.
Displays the current settings for call termination behavior.
Displays the supported settings for call termination behavior.