56K Softmodem
Command Reference
- 52
Table 3-98: +IFC Extended Syntax Commands
+ILRR=<value>—DTE-DCE Local Rate Reporting
Use this command to display or hide the local rate report result code. If the rate
report is enabled, the reported <rate> is the current DTE-DCE rate. The rate
report is an intermediate result code. It is transmitted after any modulation, error
control, or data compression reports, and before the final result code (e.g.,
Result codes:
if <value> = 0, 1.
if <value> does not equal 0, 1.
Table 3-99: +ILRR Commands
Table 3-100:
+ILRR Extended Syntax Commands
+IPR=<DTE rate>—Fixed DTE Rate
Use this command to set the DTE to DCE transmission rate. There are twelve
fixed transmission rates used by the DTE to communicate with the DCE. This
command selects one of the predefined transmission rates. If a rate is entered
which is not supported, the transmission rate defaults to the next lower rate.
Result codes:
for all values of <DTE rate>.
Command Description
+IFC=<DCE by DTE>,<DTE by DCE>
Sets the local flow control method.
Displays the current local flow control settings.
Displays the supported local flow control parameter settings.
Command Function
Disables the local rate report (default).
Enables the local rate report.
Command Description
Selects or deselects transmission of the rate report result code.
Displays the current status of the rate report result code.
Displays the supported parameter values for DTE-DCE local rate reporting.