56K Softmodem
Command Reference
- 45
Table 3-79: +ESR Parameter Values
Table 3-80: +ESR Extended Syntax Commands
* Refer to ITU- T recommendation V.42 for a complete definition of the selective reject mode.
+ETBM=<pending_TD>,<pending_RD>,<timer>—Call Termination Buffer Manage-
Use this command to set the behavior of the modem during call termination. The
<pending_TD> parameter controls how previously transmitted data remaining in
the DCE buffers is handled when the DTE request a disconnect from the call. The
<pending_RD> parameter controls how previously received data remaining in the
DCE buffers is handled when the remote DCE disconnects the call. The <timer>
parameter sets the maximum amount of time the 56K Softmodem will attempt to
deliver the buffered data before abandoning the attempt and discarding any
remaining data.
Result codes:
if <pending_TD> = 0—2 and <pending RD> = 0—2 and <timer> = 0—254.
if <pending_TD> does not equal 0—2 or <pending RD> does not equal
0—2 or <timer> does not equal 0—254.
Command Description
Enables the selective reject mode.
Disables the selective reject mode.
Command Description
Turns on or turns off the selective reject mode.
Displays the current settings for the selective reject mode.
Displays the supported settings for the selective reject mode.