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● Place the reaction plate to a solid member.
○ Select solid member or surface to be placed the reaction plate as
those member or surface receives load almost equivalent to that of
output torque.
Failure to follow this instruction may result in loss of torque precision;
damage or deformation of reaction plate or its set screws; or damage or
seizure of the wrench.
● Place the reaction plate to a stable section.
If stable section is not available, set protective buffer plate (e.g. steel
splice plate) in place where reaction plate is going to be placed.
Protective buffer plate must be securely placed.
Loose buffer plate may invite accident and personal injury.
● Correctly install pin and O-ring on the socket.
○ Incorrectly mounted socket may drop off when carrying the wrench or
during operation.
Loose socket may invite personal injury.
● Beware of fall down accident when working at a high place.
○ Wear safely belt.
○ Provide safety net or canvas as safeguard against falling items.
○ Confirm that no one is underneath the working site before operation.
Stop operation when physically or mentally tired.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in fall down accident.
● Immediately check the wrench when it is dropped down or banged.
Check for deformation, crack, damage and other abnormality. Stop
using the wrench if any abnormality is found.
Continued use of faulty wrench may result in electric shock, fire burn or
personal injury.