Creating Custom Motor Files
Encoder Sequencing
Separate from the phasing of the commutation and motor power signals, the encoder A quad B signals
must sequence properly. The A channel must lead the B channel for CW motion
when viewed looking at
the motor shaft from the load
. Figure B.3 depicts this encoder signal sequencing. If the encoder phasing
is not as shown in Figure B.3, the encoder leads must be swapped.
Motor Parameter Definitions
The parameters to configure in a custom motor file are defined below. OMNI LINK arranges motor
parameters in an index card format. The groupings are:
Current Loop,
Electrical, and
General Parameters
Motor Model
The motor model field is a text display from which a motor is selected.
If the motor model text string is changed, OMNI LINK assumes that a new motor file is being created,
and the user must supply a new filename. This prevents the text string being changed on an existing motor
file. However, a filename may be recycled by:
1. Assign the new file a tentative filename.
2. Delete the old file.
3. Rename the new file, using the old filename.
Table ID
The table ID value determines whether the motor file represents a standard motor or a custom motor. A
table ID in the range of 0 to 65534 identifies a standard motor file, and a table ID of 65535 (also known
as table ID “-1”) identifies a custom motor file. Users may define motor parameters for multiple custom
motors on a PC, but only one custom motor files may be stored on the drive. (i.e., All custom motor files
have the table ID value of “-1”.)
Motor File
The motor file is the filename of the custom motor file, it is different from the motor model text field.
The filename can have up to 8 characters and must have a .MTR extension. If the motor model text string
is altered, OMNI LINK prompts the user for a new filename.
Phasing of the Encoder Signals for Clockwise Rotation
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