RS232 9600 , 8, 1, None
Analog OFF
7: Settings Interface
Serial Interface
HAAKE Phoenix II P1
Version 3.07
19.2 Interface parameter
Interface parameters can be set via the circulator as follows:
First select the „Settings“ sub menu in the main menu. After
that select „Interfaces“ .
The currently set parameters are shown following the name
of the interface in one line each:
For RS232 those are: baud rate, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, parity.
Then determine for which interface these parameters have
to be set (RS232C).
After that select the parameter you want to change and acti-
vate the desired value.
The saved parameters will be listed in the first line. Changes
will be done in the following line.
All these transfer parameters
be altered via the
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