HAAKE Phoenix II P1
Version 3.07
9.3 Tap water cooling
Only for units without own refrigeration unit!
9.3.1 Connection to cooling (tap) water
Using the cooling coil a lowest operating temperature
approx. 3
C above the given cooling water tempera-
ture can be achieved.
Use hoses with 8 mm internal
and connect to the tab
water cooling coil
The direction of the flow can be
freely selected. It must be taken care that at the outlet
side, the water can run out unhindered.
Pressure fluctuations of the public water net may ham-
per the temperature constancy. For proper results the
water pressure should be stable or measures should
be taken to keep it stable.
The min. pressure should not be below 1 bar.
The amount of flow should be set to a min. value. At
first the full flow should be used so that the unit can
reach its operating temperature. Then, the amount of
flow should be reduced using the water cock or a hose
clamp. The actual temperature will rise above the set
temperature if the water flow is insufficient. If so in-
crease the water flow.
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