TMS320F28377S, TMS320F28376S, TMS320F28375S, TMS320F28374S
Sigma-Delta Filter Module (SDFM)
The SDFM is a four-channel digital filter designed specifically for current measurement and resolver
position decoding in motor control applications. Each channel can receive an independent sigma-delta
) modulated bit stream. The bit streams are processed by four individually programmable digital
decimation filters. The filter set includes a fast comparator for immediate digital threshold comparisons for
over-current and under-current monitoring.
shows a block diagram of the SDFMs.
SDFM features include:
Four external pins per SDFM module:
Four sigma-delta data input pins per SDFM module (SDx_Dy, where x = 1 to 2 and y = 1 to 4)
Four sigma-delta clock input pins per SDFM module (SDx_Cy, where x = 1 to 2 and y = 1 to 4)
Four different configurable modulator clock modes:
Modulator clock rate equals modulator data rate
Modulator clock rate running at half the modulator data rate
Modulator data is Manchester encoded. Modulator clock not required.
Modulator clock rate is double that of modulator data rate
Four independent configurable comparator units:
Four different filter type selection (Sinc1/Sinc2/Sincfast/Sinc3) options available
Ability to detect over-value and under-value conditions
OSR value for comparator programmable from 1 to 32
Four independent configurable sinc filter units:
Four different filter type selection (Sinc1/Sinc2/Sincfast/Sinc3) options available
OSR value for filter unit programmable from 1 to 256
Ability to enable or disable individual filter module
Ability to synchronize all four independent filters of a SDFM module using the Master Filter Enable
(MFE) bit or the PWM signals.
Filter data can be 16-bit or 32-bit representation
PWMs can be used to generate modulator clock for sigma-delta modulators
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