IP Module AA-600
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Each input is associated with a different message to be reproduced during the call phase. A neutral message is
reproduced as standard ("Alarm1", "Alarm 2", etc.) but the text can be customized (see par. 9.14).
AA-600 has the possibility of monitoring and acquiring the status of an external contact useful for making signals
released from the normal functioning as an intercom of the system itself. Subsequent descriptions of the services
associated with the acquisition of these external contacts will be referred to as generic "alarms".
Each available input can be associated with a telephone number or an IP address that will be called when the input
is activated. The programming of the inputs is described in par. 9.10.
The closure of an external contact connected to the relative input triggers the signaling sequence but it is also
possible to invert this logic, so that the triggering of the signaling may occur following the opening of the contact
connected to the input. AA-600 continuously monitors the status of the contact and if the activation condition
occurs, it stores it on the internal non-volatile memory card. As soon as possible, he will begin to call the person
who will manage the situation detected on the programmed telephone number and reproduce the message
associated with the relevant entry (see par. 9.14). It is possible to decide to reproduce a pre-recorded message on
the speaker, which will be issued before making the call.
For each input it is possible to define an acquisition / acknowledgment code of the alarm signal that the called must
dial to inform AA-600 of the acknowledgment of the alarm signal as notified. If the called number proves to be busy
or does not answer or in any other case in which AA-600 does not receive the acquisition / silence code, at the end
of each call attempt AA-600 returns to rest and prepares for a new alarm notification.
The number of times that the alarms are notified and the time between a notification attempt and the next are
programmable, while the time for which the warning message is reproduced is common to all and is the time
"Duration of attempt" set in the general parameters (par. 9.5). At the end of the notification attempts or if during the
notification AA-600 receives the correct acquisition / acknowledgment code relating to the alarm in progress, the
alarm condition signaling ceases, no further notification calls will be made.
To be able to be triggered again the notification phase of an activation, the condition that had triggered the previous
notification must return to rest. Only after the occurrence of a new contact activation condition will the notification
cycle with notification calls restart.
However, if the contact that triggered the signal has remained closed (this obviously depends on the external
device that controls this contact), another warning cycle will NOT be triggered! To get again notices related to this
contact it is necessary that it returns first to rest (re-opening) and then to its new eventual following closure it will be
again detected as activated by the AA-600 system with the restoration of the telephone warnings.