IP Module AA-600
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Microphone volume
: Sets the microphone sensitivity and consequently the volume of the audio to the user
within the company. Possible values range from 0 (very low) to 9 (very strong).
Input for Push-to-talk
: with a value different of 0 (for example 1 if you wish to use input 1), the device will
use the indicated input to activate the microphone (Push-to-talk). When the call is connected, the remote
end cannot hear the audio from microphone, unless the button is locally pressed (and it should be pressed
all the time you desire to talk).
Local Ringer volume
: sets the volume of the ringer issued by the system for incoming calls. Possible values
range from 0 (mute ringer) to 9 (very strong).
Outgoing audio stream codec
: in the audio stream mode, it is possible to choose the quality of the
transmitted audio , which goes from the G711 (the lowest) to the linear 16 bit 32 kHz.
Tone signalling/Tone volume
: it is possible to give to the user signalling tones (button pressing, call in
progress, end call), sets the volume of any played signaling tones. Possible values range from 0 (very low)
to 9 (very strong).
Echo limiter threshold:
this parameter is used to configure the audio level for switching the conversation
between caller and called. The default value is optimal for normal communication environments.
In call ampli
: for versions that provide it, indicates whether or not to activate the power amplifier during
Keyboard/Button panel
: set the type of expansion, keyboard or button panel
. In this series of products
must be programmed only keyboard.