Select the TVM ventilation mode.
Leave free the connector used for the breathing tube.
Verify that after 25 seconds from the end of the last breath the APNEA alarm is activated.
If the alarm has regularly turned on, the test was successful
Low pressure alarm Test
Turn on the device
Select the controlled ventilation mode
The low pressure alarm will not be activated if the gas output is completely closed.
Is necessary to adjust the obstruction level of the gas output until the pressure level during the mandatory ventilation reach a value a bit
lower than 10mbar.
This type of check may take a few tries.
If the alarm is regularly activated, the test was successful.
Pneumatic supply alarm Test
Disconnect the device from the pneumatic supply source or close the oxygen bottle valve.
Turn on the device.
If the alarm is regularly activated, the test was successful.
Low battery alarm Test
To perform this test is necessary to put the device out of service.
Discharge the battery until the alarm signal is activated.
If the alarm is regularly activated, the test was successful.
Warning: Don’t perform this test if is expected that the device is to be used because its battery charge level would be inadequate to
ensure patient safety.
In the event of prolonged inactivity periods or before transports, do the following:
Turn off the device.
Disconnect the ventilator from the power supply.
Check the charge status of the internal battery and, if necessary, recharge it.
For prolonged inactivity, in addition to the recommendations listed above, the device must be store following other precautions about the
place, time and modality of storage:
Store the device in a closed place.
Protect it from shocks and stresses
Protect it from humidity and wide temperature excursions.
Avoid contact with corrosive substances.
The procedures listed below shall be carried out and checked before each use of the device.
To check
Required result
Corrugated Tube
Non-rebreathing valve
PEEP valve (if present)
Face mask
Disposable filter
All components have to be in good
conditions and correctly connected
The device or its components must be
correctly cleaned or replaced
Press the power button “I”, ventilation
mode: controlled
The device is working
Pressure reducer and oxygen tank.
Connection between the oxygen tube and the
device input
Presence of unified plug for connection to the
gas supply or correct connection to the
pressure reducer of the tank
The pressure regulator must be subjected to
periodic maintenance and the oxygen tanks
should have enough autonomy to ensure the
proper operation of the device.
The connection to the oxygen distribution line
is in accordance with the connection standard
used and the connection to the output of the
pressure reducer is safe
There are no active alarms
In the event of external power supply failure, is possible to use the device powered by the internal power supply. In this case is necessary to
carry out proper checks to the external power supply. This operation should be done by the installer.
If the failure involves the internal power supply, is possible to use the device powered by the external power source. Is necessary to replace
the internal battery and the fuses as soon as possible.
In the event of failure of the pneumatic supply, is necessary to switch to another ventilation equipment.
Always check that at least one alternative artificial ventilation equipment is present, so the rescue procedures can be carried out also if any
failure occurs.
The proper operation of the pneumatic supplies must always be guaranteed. Carefully follow the instructions and carry out the maintenance
required by manufacturers of such devices.