702T User Guide and Technical Information
Setup Name
Setup Description
Setup Options
EXHDD: Empty Trash
Allows user to delete files previously sent to
the trash as well as false takes.
• Empty Trash
• Empty False Takes
• Empty both
Balance Cal
Calibrates the center position of the input 2
pot when used as the balance control for MS
Place balance control to center and press to select.
Power: Ext Low Batt Volt
Sets the warning voltage of the low battery
alert with an external power source. Internal
battery warning threshold is factory set.
10.0–18.0 VDC, 0.1 V steps
Power: Ext Power Function
Controls the behavior of the unit when power
is applied to the external DC jack.
Pin-3 (+) of the external DC input must be
wired in order for the External Power Func-
tions to operate.
• Do Nothing
• Power On Unit
• Power On and Start Record
• Power On/Off unit
• Power On/Off unit and Record
Power: Power-up Messages
Enables or disables the notifications that ap-
pear upon boot up (daily folder prompt, output
attenuation notice, and set time and date
message). Disabling these messages is useful
when using the External Power Functions to
power on and start recording and the Record
Start and Stop Timer.
• Disabled
• Enabled
Ext Keyboard: Assign
Enter to setup keyboard shortcuts when using
the CL-1 keyboard interface
Ext Keyboard: Language
Select the language of the keyboard attached
to the CL-1.
• English
• German
• French
CL-1: Re-program
The CL-1 has its own firmware which is sup-
plied from the 702T. This utility updates the
CL-1 firmware.
CL-1: Logic Out Assign
Each logic output pin can be assigned to go
high when the unit is in the selected mode.
Logic input overrides logic output selection.
• Undefined
• Stop
• Play
• Pause
• Record
Info: Button Shortcuts
An informative menu showing the available
keyboard shortcuts.
Info: Version
Shows the hardware revision, serial number,
and firmware version of the unit.
Update Software
Upgrade tool used to apply new firmware.
It will search all connected storage for the
firmware file and prompt to update.
Setup Menu Shortcuts
The Setup Menu can be quickly navigated using the Rotary Switch to move up and down through
the menu. Additionally, shortcuts, or “breadcrumbs” can be placed on often-used menu items. A
breadcrumb is set by holding the play button when at a selected menu item. A small dot is shown to
the left of the setup number. Any number of breadcrumbs can be set, but their utility is reduced with
too many applied.
toggles among menu bread
crumbs to higher numbered
with no bread crumbs placed,
moves to the next general
menu section
press and hold to set or remove a menu crumb;
single press navigates to menu item #1
toggles among menu bread
crumbs to lower numbered
with no bread crumbs placed,
moves to a previous general
menu section