702T User Guide and Technical Information
on playback, file appears at 48 k, 29.97 ND
Fostex DV40
When using files recorded in the 48.048kF mode with a Fostex DV40 with an older software version,
set the DV40 time code frame rate to 29.97ND. Time code stamps will properly match the original
time code start times.
47.952k and 47.952F
Both 47.952 and 47.952kF settings use a record sampling rate of 47.952 kHz, 0.1% lower than 48 kHz.
The 47.952F mode, however, identifies the file as being recorded at 48 kHz. Additionally, in 47.952kF
mode, the time code rate is restricted to 29.97ND, while the file is identified as 30ND.
47.952kF mode is useful in applications where the 702T is recording in high-def environments with
cameras at 23.97 and post production is using a straight 24 frame session.
It is very important to know what file type is required and expected in telecine and transfer. Make certain
to contact the person performing the transfer to make certain your files will be readable.
Time Code Modes
The 702T includes the following time code modes:
The time code generator is disabled. The front panel time code display is blank.
Free Run:
The internal time code generator runs continuously without regard to the record mode. Any time
code value can be used as the start value by “jamming value” in the jam menu.
Record Run
The time code generator runs only when the 702T is recording. Time code in this mode defaults to
00:00:00:00 at power-up. When switching to record run from another mode, the internal generator
will stop at the last number generated. A user-defined value can be jammed into the internal genera-
tor from the jam menu.
Free Run Jam Once
The on-board time code generator will re-jam from external time code whenever a valid, running
time code signal is connected to the TC input. Similar to free run mode, the generator runs continu-
ously without regard to record mode. For a jam to occur, the time code signal must be disconnected
and re-connected to the time code input. Free run Jam Once is useful when using the recorder as a
slave, although one of the External TC modes may be more appropriate for slaved operation.
24 Hour Run
Identical to free run with the exception that the generator will automatically jam itself from the
time-of-day clock on power-up. The generator will also re-jam if the time-of-day clock is reset. Once
jammed, the generator will run continuously from the time code clock, not the time-of-day clock.
Ext TC
The internal time code generator follows an external time code signal appearing at the time code