702T User Guide and Technical Information
v. 2.67
Features and specifications are subject to change. Visit www.sounddevices.com for the latest documentation.
Headphone Output
The 702T headphone output is a flexible tool for monitoring audio in the field. The 702T allows the
user to monitor inputs, tracks, and post-record tracks in a number of combinations. MS stereo moni-
toring is also available in headphones.
The headphone output is independent of the Master Output Bus and the Output Bus 2—audio
sources can be routed to headphones independent of routing assignments to output buses.
The 702T is capable of driving headphones to extremely high sound pressure levels. Hearing experts
advise against exposure to high sound pressure levels for extended periods.
Selecting Headphone Sources
The headphone source display on the main LCD screen (
) shows the audio sources sent to
headphones. The 702T comes from the factory with several preset headphone audio source selections
available on the Rotary Switch. These selections include inputs, tracks and track monitors. Turn the
Rotary Switch to select among the available headphone monitoring sources.
Track Monitoring While Recording (Confidence Monitoring)
The 702T can monitor actual recorded audio written to the Compact Flash card during recording.
This is commonly referred to as “confidence monitoring”. To monitor recorded tracks, during record-
ing select one of the track monitor modes. Because of the record buffering topology of the 702T, a
delay of up to 12 seconds can be expected before recorded audio appears at the output. The 702T will
play back recorded audio from the media highlighted on the LCD panel (see
File Management and
for more information on selecting and highlighting storage medium).
Setting Headphone Source Options
In addition to the 5 preset headphone routings, a total of 20 available “slots” can be filled in a user
defined order. Headphone monitoring sources are selected from combinations of inputs, tracks, and
post-record tracks, including stereo and MS decoding. The order of headphone selections is user-
selectable. Available sources for headphone monitoring include:
HP Sources
Stereo monitoring of input pairs. Input 1 is assigned to left headphone output; input 2 is
assigned to right headphone output.
Stereo monitoring of track pairs. Track 1 is assigned to left headphone output; track 2 is
assigned to right headphone output. Upon playback, will play as track monitor.
Stereo monitoring of playback (post-record) track pairs. Track 1 is assigned to left head-
phone output; track 2 is assigned to right headphone output.
When using the recorded track monitor selection, there is a sample rate dependent delay in the signal. At 48
kHz sampling, the delay is approximately 12 seconds. This delay is due to the record buffering topology. Audio
can not be monitored until it has left the record buffer and written to the recording media.
1, 1
2, 2
Solo monitoring of selected input. This signal is sent to both sides of the headphones.
A, A
B, B
Solo monitoring of selected track. This signal is sent to both sides of the headphones.
Upon playback, will play as track monitor.
A, A
B, B
Solo monitoring of playback (post-record) track. Highlighted media is source of moni-
tor program. This signal is sent to both sides of the headphones. When not in playback,
headphones have no program.
1, 2 (MS)
Stereo monitoring of discrete M (mid) and S (side) input pairs. Highlighted media is source
of monitor program.