Call history
The call history provides available name and number information for the last 200
incoming and outgoing calls. The newest entries replace the oldest. You can view call
history information for:
• All calls—all categories of calls
• Missed calls—incoming calls that were not answered
• Received calls—incoming calls that you answered, forwarded or rejected
• Dialed calls—all outgoing calls. You can use this as a redial list.
Viewing the call history:
1. When the phone is idle, press .
2. If necessary, press or to highlight
, then press .
3. Press
(or scroll with or to highlight
Call history
and press
. The
screen appears.
4. Press the corresponding number key for all, missed, received, or dialed calls (or
scroll with to highlight the desired call history folder and press
) to see
call history entries in the respective list. The first entry appears.
If the list is empty, the message
history is empty,
preceded by the respective call
list, appears. For example, if the received calls list is empty, the message
calls history is empty
will be displayed.
5. Press to view more entries.
The call history entry screen shows the time, date, name and number of the call, the
number of entries in the folder, along with an icon indicating the type of call.
Received call
Dialed call
Missed call
Phone Features