Channel Operation Menus
Issue 1 Rev 6
Page 83
© 2015 SAM
8.8 Timecode
The Timecode menu enables you to set up and control the unit’s timecode options for VITC
(Vertical Interval Timecode), LTC (Linear Timecode), and ATC (Ancillary Timecode).
For HD video inputs, ATC LTC and ATC VITC timecode data formats are supported. For HD
video outputs, the timecode data format is fixed to ATC VITC. This is present in all HD video
outputs if Follow Input mode is selected (with a valid input timecode detected), or if Generate
mode is selected.
For SD video inputs, VITC, ATC LTC and ATC VITC timecode data formats are supported. For
SD video outputs, the timecode data format is fixed to VITC. This is present in all SD video
outputs if the VITC Enable check box is selected, and either Follow Input mode is selected
(with a valid input timecode detected), or Generate mode is selected.
Where the input frame rate is 29.97 fps, both drop frame and non-drop frame modes are
supported. For 29.97fps outputs, timecode can be configured as either drop frame or
non-drop frame.
8.8.1 Source (HD/SD)
The Source controls enable you to choose a timecode type from the input: LTC or VITC for
HD, and VITC, ATC LTC, or ATC VITC for SD.
For HD video standards, the supported input timecode format is ATC. This means that
timecode data formatted as LTC, VITC, or both will be detected at the input; however, only
one format can be selected.
Select ATC LTC only if detected when video input is HD.
Select ATC VITC only if detected when video input is HD.
If the selected format is not detected at the input, no timecode processing will be available.
For SD video standards, the supported input timecode formats are VITC and ATC. As with
HD, ATC can mean that timecode data formatted as LTC, VITC, or both will be detected at the
input; however, only one format can be selected.
Select VITC only if detected when video input is SD.
Select ATC LTC only if detected when video input is SD.
Select ATC VITC only if detected when video input is SD.
If the selected format is not detected at the input, no timecode processing will be available.
8.8.2 Status
Status reports which type of embedded timecode is detected within the video input to this
processing channel.
External LTC timecode is not supported.