Page 73
September 18
Read-only. Shows the channel status as one of: ‘Good’, ‘Channel Off’, ‘Over range’,
‘Under range’, ‘HW error’, ‘Ranging’, ‘HW (capability) exceeded’.
Read-only. For dual inputs only, displays the current value of the secondary input.
Read-only. For dual inputs only, shows the secondary input status (as ‘Status’ above).
IP Adjust State
Appears only for channels which have been included in the ‘Adjust Input’ procedure
described in Section 6.1.9.
IP Adjust State2
As ‘IP Adjust State’, above but for secondary channels.
Allows the number of decimal places to be defined for the channel. Valid entries are zero
to six.
Allows a units string of up to five characters to be entered.
Allows the user to select an input type for the channel. Available selections are: ‘Off’,
‘Thermocouple’, ‘mV’, ‘V’, ‘mA’, ‘RTD’, ‘Digital’, ‘Test’ or ‘Ohms’. If the Dual Input option is
fitted, Dual mV, Dual mA, Dual T/C (if enabled) are also available.
Test signal
Appears only if ‘Test’ is selected as ‘Type’. Allows either a sinusoidal or a triangular
waveform to be selected at one of a number of cycle times between 40 seconds and five
Input Low*
For Type = mV, Dual mV, V, mA, Dual mA or Ohms, the lowest value of the applied signal
in electrical units.
Input High*
As ‘Input Low’, but the highest value of the applied signal in electrical units.
Shunt value
For mA and Dual mA input types only, this allows the value of the shunt resistor (in Ohms)
to be entered. The instrument does not validate this value - it is up to the user to ensure
that the value entered here matches that of the shunt resistor(s) fitted. For Dual mA input
type, both primary and secondary inputs must have independent shunts each of the same
Lin type
Linear, Square root, x3/2, x5/2, User Lin.
Thermocouple types (alphabetical order): B, C, D, E, G2, J, K, L, N, R, S, T, U, NiMo/NiCo,
Platinel, Ni/MiMo, Pt20%Rh/Pt40%Rh.
User 1 to User 4
Resistance thermometer types: Cu10, Pt100, Pt100A, JPT100, Ni100, Ni120, Cu53.
See Appendix A: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION for input ranges, accuracies etc.
associated with the above thermocouple and RTD types. See Section 6.11 for details of
user linearizations.
Range Low*
For thermocouples, RTDs, User linearizations and retransmitted signals only, the lowest
value of the required linearization range.
Range High*
For thermocouples, RTDs, User linearizations and retransmitted signals only, the highest
value of the required linearization range.
Range Units
For thermocouples only and RTDs, Select °C, °F or K.
Scale Low/High
Maps the process value to (Scale High - Scale Low). For example, an input of 4 to 20mA
may be scaled as 0 to 100% by setting Scale Low to 0 and Scale High to 100.
Scale Low2/High2
As ‘Scale Low/High’ but for the secondary input (PV2).
Allows a fixed value to be added to or subtracted from the process variable.
The nature of the secondary input results in an offset being introduced into the process
variable value.
If Dual T/C is selected then it is essential that the secondary T/C input is field calibrated using
the Input Adjust procedure (Section 6.1.9)
* See Section 6.11 for details of the configuration of Range High/Low and Input High/Low
when ‘Type’ = User 1 to User 4.
A5E45696052A Rev-AA