Page 33
September 18
5.4.4 Horizontal Bargraph
Similar to the Vertical bargraph mode described in Section 5.4.3, above, but includes channel descriptors.
Figure 20 Horizontal bargraph mode
Use of the up arrow button causes the next enabled display mode to be entered (default = numeric).
Use of the page key calls the top level menu.
5.4.5 Numeric
Shows the enabled channels’ values along with their descriptors and with indications of the type(s) of alarm
configured for each channel.
Figure 21 Numeric display mode (six enabled channels)
The figure above shows an example where the Trend group contains six channels. Figure 22 shows how the
display appears for trend groups with fewer than six channels configured.
Figure 22 Display layout for different numbers of channels
The up arrow button returns to the vertical trend display mode; the page key calls the top level menu.
Furnace 1 temp 12
Channel 2
Channel 3
Channel 4
VirtualChan 1
VirtualChan 2
Inst name
Furnace 1 temp 12
Channel 2
Furnace 1 temp 12
2 channels
1 channel
The scroll button tog-
gles the text between
point descriptor (as
shown) and point value.
Furnace 1 temp 12
Channel 2
Channel 3
Channel 4
VirtualChan 1
VirtualChan 2
Alarm type indication
(see Figure 9)
6 channels
5 channels
4 channels
3 channels
2 channels
1 channel
2 channels
1 channel
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