Page 193
September 18
To make a wire:
Drag two (or more) blocks onto the diagram from the
function block tree.
Start a wire by either clicking on a recommended output or
clicking on the ‘Click to Select output’ icon at the bottom
right corner of the block to bring up the connection dialog,
and clicking on the required parameter. Recommended
connections are shown with a green plug symbol; other
parameters which are available being shown in yellow.
Clicking on the red button causes all parameters to be
shown. To dismiss the connection dialog either press the
escape key on the keyboard, or click the cross at the
bottom left of the dialog box.
Once the wire has started a dashed wire is drawn from the
output to the current mouse position. To complete the wire
click on the required destination parameter.
Wires remain dashed until they are downloaded.
Routing wires
When a wire is placed it is auto-routed. The auto routing algorithm searches for a clear path between the two
blocks. A wire can be auto-routed again using the context menus or by double clicking the wire. A wire segment
can be edited manually by click-dragging. If the block to which it is connected is moved, the end of the wire
moves with it, retaining as much of the path as possible.
If a wire is selected by clicking on it, it is drawn with small boxes on its corners.
Wire Context Menu
Right click on a wire to display the wire block context menu:
Force Exec Break
When wires form a loop, a break point must be introduced, where
the value written to the block comes from a source which was last
executed during the previous cycle. A break is automatically
placed by iTools, and appears in red
. Force Exec Break allows
the user to define where a break must be placed. Surplus breaks
appear in black.
Task Break
Not used in this product.
Re-Route wire
Replaces the current wire route with a new route generated from
Use Tags
Toggles between wire and tag mode between parameters. Tag
mode is useful for sources and destinations which are widely
Find Start
Goes to the source of the wire.
Find End
Goes to the destination of the wire.
Cut, Copy, Paste
Not used in this context.
Marks the wire for deletion. The wire is redrawn as a dashed line (or dashed tags) until
next download. Operation can be reversed until after next download.
Reverses the effect of the Delete operation up until the next download, after which,
Undelete is disabled.
Bring to Front
Brings the wire to the front of the diagram.
Push to Back
Sends the wire to the back of the diagram.
Wire Colors
Figure 121 Output selection dialog box.
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