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Web server OZW772... V6.0
Building Technologies
Operate using a web browser
The currently installed version of system definitions can be viewed under "Current
version". There are three elements separated each time by a period, e.g. "2.1.0".
The middle section (in the example "1") is also displayed in the device information.
1. Select System definitions from secondary navigation.
2. Click [ Update ]
3. Select the desired file.
4. Click [ Upload ] to finish.
5. Upload is finished when the message "Update - Process finished" displays.
6. You must recreate the devices following a system definition upload.
System definition file transfer is available to administrator and service user
Uploading and installing make take more than 15 minutes.
System definitions comprise:
Device descriptions.
Text catalogs in each user language.
Units catalog.
The device web pages use the uploaded system definitions to properly display
devices and menus.
You must generate all device web pages following successful uploading. This
applies the new system definitions.
The system definitions must be compatible with the Web Server's software version.
If incompatible, an associated message is displayed and the old system definitions
remain as is.
Make sure there is at least 60 MB free memory on the Web Server when
uploading. If not, check the contents via File transfer > Documents.
Upload system
System definitions