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Web server OZW772... V6.0
Building Technologies
KNX S-Mode
The dialog depends on the type of data point. Here is an example for air quality:
The value is displayed as is the pencil depending on the type of data point.
Display examples
Data point type
Send and display
The value for the send data points is displayed as "- - -". The setting values are
accessed by opening the operating dialog via the pencil symbol, as illustrated in
the example for "ceiling lighting". The value is sent, but the displayed remains
fixed on "- - -".
Only the present data point value is displayed on display data points (i.e. no
pencil symbol).
For send and display data points, both the present value as well as the pencil
symbol are displayed.
"- - -" is also displayed if the value for the displayed data point has not yet been
As soon as a transmitted ETS project is updated with "Generate" on OZW, the S-
Mode data points are available for customized plant diagrams, trending, and
access via web services (Web API).
Some data points are not available for trending and are hidden automatically when
selecting the trend definition.
After a restart of OZW, a query is made for each display data point as soon as the
Web Server accesses it the first time. OZW sends a second query if it does not get
a response to the first one. The value is displayed as "- - -" as long as not response
is received.
OZW772… does not detect as loss of KNX bus power and a subsequence restart
to KNX communications. In other words, the old display value remains until the
next change of value.
Each change of value (COV, Change Of Value) to a send data point (or
send/display data point) is sent over the bus. Regardless of whether the change is
local on the OZW or was made via the web interface. The value is sent as soon as
the setting is confirmed with "OK", even if the actual value was not adjusted.
Communication on and over the KNX bus is event-controlled. The data points have
no heart beat as a rule.
Dynamic display
Plant diagram,
trending, and
access via web
Behavior at restart