Customizing the Telephone
Step by Step
Auto Answer
You can use this option to activate and deactivate auto-
matic call answering for CTI applications.
When you dial a number using the CTI application while
"Auto Answer” is activated, the telephone automatically
switches to handsfree mode. If "Auto Answer” is deac-
tivated, the telephone will ring first and you must then
press the loudspeaker key or lift the handset to dial the
number and set up the connection to the other station.
: You are in the "Configuration" menu
page 91.
Select and confirm.
Confirm. The new setting is displayed.
Beep on Auto Answer
Use this option to specify whether you hear a beep
when a call is automatically answered.
: You are in the "Configuration" menu
page 91.
Select and confirm.
Confirm. The new setting is displayed.
Auto Reconnect
You can use this option to activate and deactivate the
options for placing a call on hold and for retrieving it
again using both a CTI application and the telephone.
: You are in the "Configuration" menu
page 91.
Select and confirm.
This menu option is only available if it has been
activated by the administrator.
If you have a multiline telephone, this function is
only available for the prime line.
32=Auto answer?
Switch on?
33=Beep on auto answer?>
Switch on?
This menu option is only available if it has been
activated by the administrator.
If you have a multiline telephone, this function is
only available for the prime line.
34=Auto Reconnect?