Operating Instructions
CLV 45x Bar Code Scanner
8 009 139/K949/06-06-2002
SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved
Data string
This tab card and following dialog boxes are used to set the following:
Data output format of the host interface
Constants and reading diagnosis data in the header, separator and terminator
Arrangement of the separators in the data string
Output format for no reads and contents of the error string
Test string function
Output sequence and sort criteria for reading more than one bar code per reading pulse
Activating and structure of the format mask
CAN interface
This tab card and following dialog boxes are used to set the following:
CAN interface operating mode
Data transfer rate
Type of logical data connection of the connected CLV
Usage of the switching inputs/outputs of the CLV as CANopen Digital I/O
Auxiliary interface
This tab card is used to set the following:
Operating mode of the terminal interface
Oscillating mirror
This tab card is used to set the following:
Operating mode of the oscillating mirror
Oscillating frequency
Deflection range (oscillating amplitude)
Instant of activity of the oscillation mode referenced to the reading pulse
Trigger source for One-Shot
This tab card is used to edit parameters that were not recognized by CLV-Setup after an
The "CLV-Setup Help" online help contains a detailed description of the functions of the pa-
rameters and their valid entries (for calling the help refer to