11 - Advanced use of the Studio 12 Scan Control
In this section, some easy ways for increasing the possibilities offered by the Studio console’s
Scan Control section are discussed.
NEVER try to create new units or multiple units without first having all the data regarding the
units to be created or modified!
11.1 - Multiple units
As has already been seen, each Scan Control can control 12 fixtures using up to 36 channels.
There are at present no intelligent fixtures on the market requiring this number of channels: the
SGM Galileo IV Live 1200 (at present the most powerful in the SGM range) in fact only uses 18.
Considering that the console operates on all 512 DMX channels, it’s possible to exploit the 36
channels available by creating multiple units, i.e. units made up of more than one fixture.
This programming must be carried out carefully, particularly when setting the fixtures’ addresses.
To give a practical example: we’ve 15 SGM Flasher DMX 1.5 units at our disposal to enter among
the units already available.
Using the normal method, the 12 units controlled by the console would not be sufficient but, by
analysing the Flashers, it can be seen that they only use 2 channels, for the dimmer and flash rate
It’s therefore possible to create a multiple unit made up of the 15 fixtures, but in this case, the
assignment of the addresses to be set on the fixtures must be in rising order, starting with the
first fixture and addressing them as follows:
- Flasher #1
- Flasher #2
- Flasher #3
- Flasher #4
- Flasher #5
- Flasher #6
- Flasher #7
- Flasher #8
- Flasher #9
- Flasher #10 019
- Flasher #11 021
- Flasher #12 023
- Flasher #13 025
- Flasher #15 027
In the following example, the effects of the 15 fixtures will be set to run in sequence.
We can therefore create a new “Super Flasher” unit, setting the parameters in this way (for a
detailed description, see parag. 8.5.1 and sub-paragraphs):
• Channels used:
• Description of the commands on the Scan Control display:
Enter the string for effects more<->
DIM07 RAT07 DIM08 RAT08 DIM09 RAT09 P3
Enter the string for effects more<->
DIM04 RAT04 DIM05 RAT05 DIM06 RAT06 P2
Enter the string for effects more<->
DIM01 RAT01 DIM02 RAT02 DIM03 RAT03 P1
Total channels occupied on dmx esc<-
NNNNNNNNNNNN-- [30] ok->