Example: switch off channel 4 = CH_OFF,3.
9.4.3 - RS-232 - All Off (A3h)
This command allows to switch off all channels previously switched on with the
Channel On command. There’s no operator.
The command syntax is as follows: ALL_OFF
Example: switch off the channels = ALL_OFF.
9.4.4 - RS-232 - Register Change (A0h)
This command is used to pass from one memory register to another.
The command syntax is as follows: REG_CHG,n
where n is the number of the register to be switched on.
Example: switch on register 12 = REG_CHG,11.
If this command is given when the register is already on, the register in question is switched off.
9.4.5 - RS-232 - Page Change (A4h)
This command is used to change the enabled page of the memory registers (PAGE).
The command syntax is as follows: PAGE_CHG,n
Where n is the page number.
Example: go to page 6 = PAGE_CHG,5.
9.4.6 - RS-232 - Device Select (A6h)
This command is used to select which one of the 16 Studio consoles the commands are to be
sent to.
Setting is carried out on the console’s rear panel, using the relative dipswitch.
The command syntax is as follows: DEV_SEL,n
where n is the identification number of the console to be controlled.
Example: select console 3 = DEV_SEL,2.