9.3.4 - Midi IN - All Channels Off
In MIDI, this command is part of the vast Control Change series (followed by hexadecimal codes
7Bh and 0h) and results in all the channels which were previously on being switched on.
9.3.5 - Midi IN - Bank Select
This function allows to pass from one memory bank to another and on Studio 12 consoles is
used to change memory register PAGE.
This command is also part of the vast Control Change series, and is identified by hexadecimal
code 0h followed by a number between 0 and 12 (the same indications as in 9.3.3 are valid).
9.3.6 - Midi OUT - Program Change
As seen at 9.3.3 (MIDI IN), if for example another Studio console is connected to the one being
used, this allows to send the command for changing the memory register.
The ‘slave’ console, i.e. the one receiving the commands, must have its memory registers in
“AND” or “OR” mode, to ensure they run in the same way. The address is fixed on channel 1.
9.3.7 - Midi OUT - Bank Select
As in paragraph 9.3.5, this command allows to change the page of the slave console, enabling the
PAGE function. The address is fixed on channel 1 for this function as well.
9.4 - RS-232 connections
Using a standard DB-9 connector, by means of this connection it’s possible to connect a Studio
console to a personal computer. It’s therefore possible to carry out several functions:
- updating the console’s firmware
- remote control of the console.
One PC can control up to 16 Studio consoles, each with its address set using the dipswitch loca-
ted on the rear of the console.
The protocol used is RS-232, which is a 2-way serial data transmission system and therefore only
requires one connector. The command format includes the command and one or two numbers
between 0 and 127.
Always remember that numeration starts at 0, whereas counting normally starts at 1. This
means that if data has to be transmitted to channel 1, it must actually be transmitted to chan-
nel 0.
9.4.1 - RS-232 - Channel On (A1h)
This command allows to switch a channel on at a certain level.
The command syntax is as follows: CH_ON,n,x
where n is the number of the channel and x the value to be set. If the value transmitted is not
between 0 and 127, it’s ignored.
Example: switch on channel 4 at 50% = CH_ON,3,64.
9.4.2 - RS-232 - Channel Off (A2h)
This command is used to switch off a channel.
The command syntax is as follows: CH_OFF,n
where n is the channel number.