. RATE regulates the crossover time from one scene to another in a pro-
gram, while SPEED regulates the speed of the mirror or moving head and the effects set on
“SOFT” in the fixture library.
When a fixture is selected (to create a scene or carry out manual variations while a program’s
running), the description of the effects the fixture has at its disposal appears on the display. The
faders under the name of the function allow the parameters to be varied.
On the right of the display are two buttons with SCROLL functions for scrolling through the fixtu-
res’ control functions in blocks of 6.
The joystick is used to move the mirrors and moving heads with an absolute co-ordinate system,
which means that the joystick movement corresponds exactly with the movement of the mirror
(in the case of a scanner) and the four corners correspond with the maximum limits of the mir-
The four buttons under the joystick have a “CURSOR” function and are used to run through the
parameters on the display during the creation of the units and to move mirrors and moving heads
with a relative co-ordinate system: this means that pressing a button corresponds with one step
of the mirror’s movement, no matter where it was before the button was pressed.
If the cursor buttons are pressed and held down, the button’s autorepeat function is enabled and
the speed increases exponentially to the maximum.
The combination of the two positioning systems (joystick and cursors) ensures very accurate
fast positioning.
7.1 - Direct mode use
As with the Light Chase Control section, the Scan Control Section can operate in two modes:
Direct and Reg (see 7.4).
When Scan Control is in DIRECT, it’s possible to control one or more fixtures manually, by pres-
sing one of the UNIT buttons (1-12) to select the required fixture. The modifiable parameters
appear on the display and the selected fixture’s LED flashes. When operating with individual fixtu-
res, the relative button’s LED flashes. If another fixture is selected without de-selecting the pre-
vious fixture, the LED of the “old” fixture remains constantly lit. The flashing LED always indicates
that the controls are enabled for that fixture.
When a fixture is de-selected, Scan Control automatically sets the “standby” parameters which
the operator has entered in the fixture library, e.g. the closure of the shutter or dimmer.
When a fixture is re-selected for manual control, the operator finds the parameters set the last
time manual work was carried out, with the only difference that the standby values will have
replaced those previously set.
To output a Scan Control program, press one of the “PROG” buttons numbered from 1 to 12,
then set the running parameters. In Direct mode, only one program can be enabled at a time and
the program buttons are overriding, i.e. the last one pressed overrides the one already enabled.
To switch off the program, press the “PROG” button with its LED lit (the LED shows which pro-
gram’s enabled).
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