MU-201 GPS/GPRS Nano Tracker User Manual
Copyright © 2011 San Jose Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Auto Report by Stationary Times
The GPS (GPRMC) data can report to server or cellular phone automatically during a period of time or during a distance
of travel or by stationary (vehicle stop/park status) times.
Use this command to set up the stationary detection times of Auto Report, the device will report 2 types of Auto Reports:
Distance Auto Reports and Stationary Auto Reports. If you send the SMS command as the following example, the device
will check the distance traveled every 5 minutes when vehicle is moving, and check the stationary status every 5 minutes
(300 seconds) when vehicle is stopped. The device will send Auto Report if the device detected continuously 10 times
stationary status, so the actual Auto Report interval will be 5 minutes x 10 =50 minutes (it means the device will send
stationary Auto Report every 50 minutes). The device will not send report if the device detected stationary status fewer
than 10 times or non-continuity 10 times stationary status. The total number of reports times is 99.
Setup Format: #
User Name
Function Mode
Intervals (sec)
Total number of reports
stationary Detection(times)
, [Time Unit(s/m/h)]*
Command: #username,0000,6,300,99,100,10,s*
NOTE: When the “Distance” interval or “Stationary Detection” is set, the tracker status (event) will be “AGF” instead of
SMS/ COTA Command
Start sign.
Default user name of the device.
If you have changed the username, please use the updated one.
Default password.
If you have changed the password, please use the updated one.
Mode 6 defines Auto Report setup mode.
Time Interval (period) of Auto Report.
Times (frequency) of Auto Reports that will be sent automatically.
Distance Interval: when the auto report function is activated, the tracker will take the
current position as the start. If this value is defined, when the tracker exceeds the distance
traveled during a time of period, the event report will be sent to the assigned route. The unit
of this function is meter. The minimum distance setting is 100m.
Stationary Detection: If this value is defined by 10, the tracker will detect if the tracker
exceeds the Distance Interval for 10 times. If the tracker doesn’t exceed the distance for
continuous 10 times, the tracker will send a notice Auto Report.
Time Unit as “s” for seconds (default), “m” for minutes, and “h” for hours.
In this example, we put “300” in constant interval and “s” for the Time Unit, so the actual
report interval will be 300 seconds.
End sign.
Table: Auto Report by Stationary Setup Format Description