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4.6.4 Fault and maintenance management menu
After typing “2” in the main menu and pressing enter, the following message is displayed:
Fault and maintenance management activated
Enter <M> to return to MAIN, or <H> for HELP information <H> command
and the monitor lists all available commands in the fault and maintenance sub-menu:
For Stand Alone devices, the following information is displayed:
Type 'H [command]' to get additional help on [command]
NM Trace xDSL noise margin
STATUS Show current DSL working parameters
STATUS T Show current DSL working parameters continuously
STATUS ETH Show Ethernet status
MACTABLE Print MAC table
MACTABLE C Clear MAC table
ALARM Display alarms
ALARM T Display alarms continuously
ACO Show alarm cutoff configuration
ACO [GROUP] [ON/OFF] Change alarm indication for alarm group GROUP
STARTAL [N=1-2] Toggles Nth xDSL channel the analog loopback ON/OFF
RESTART [N=1-2] Restart Nth xDSL channel
RESET Reset modem
SOFTUPDATE Update software
SOFTCONFIRM Confirm uploaded software
SOFTINFO List loaded software
APPLY [ALL/GROUP] Apply changes to running configuration
CONFIRM Confirm running configuration
BACKUP Backup running configuration
RESTORE Restore startup configuration from backup
DIFF [N/R/S/B] [N/R/S/B] Show difference between configurations
DUMP [N/R/S/B] Dump selected configuration
LOAD Load configuration via XModem
POWERMODE [0-5] Set device power consumption mode
SENSOR Show normal state setup of external alarm sensors
SENSOR [N=1..3] [O/C] Set Nth sensor type - normally open(O) or closed(C)
LINKCLEAR Exit all local connections
M Return to Main Menu
H Show available commands