RDC6563F Standalone Fiber Cutting Control System User Manual V2.0
Graphic display area
This area is used for describe the processed file image during file
preview display and processing.
Processing parameter display area: Display the file name, maximum speed and
maximum power of the current processing file, the current file processing number,
processing time.
Current coordinate X/Y: Displays the coordinate value of the current position of the
laser head.
Current coordinate Z
Display the coordinate value of the current Z axis cutting head
Nozzle height H: Display the current nozzle height from the metal plate
Capacitance value C: Display the capacitance reference between the current nozzle
and the metal plate
Shutter on/off
Display current laser shutter enable status
Display current manual speed mode
Display current manual moving axis motion mode
Working status
Used for display the current working status of the system: idle, pause,
finished, run
Processing progress
Display current processing progress
System status
Display current system status, display alarm information if there is an
Processing file frame
Display the range of the processing file, L is long, W is wide
Network connection status
Used for displaying the status of the mainboard connected
to the network, when using network communication and establishing a connection,
This area is
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