Getting Started
Getting Started 1300.0045.62 ─ 10
6. Click "Apply" to close the wizard, calculate and store the system error correction
data and apply them to the current measurement.
7. Remove the short standard and connect the DUT again.
2.1.4 Evaluation of Data
The analyzer provides various tools to optimize the display and analyze the measure-
ment data. For instance, you can use markers determine the maximum of the reflection
coefficient, and change the display format to obtain information about the phase shift of
the reflected wave and the impedance of your DUT.
1. In the TRACE keypad of the hardkey bar, press MARKER. This places "Marker 1"
to its default position (center of the sweep range).
A marker symbol (triangle) appears on the trace. The stimulus value (frequency)
and response value (magnitude of the reflection coefficient converted to a dB
value) at the marker position is displayed in the marker info field in the upper right
corner of the diagram.
2. Press MARKER FUNCT and activate "Min Search".
The marker jumps to the absolute minimum of the curve in the entire sweep range.
The marker info field shows the coordinates of the new marker position.
3. In the TRACE keypad, press FORMAT and select the "Phase" of the reflection
coefficient to be displayed.
The phase is shown in a Cartesian diagram with a default vertical scale of 225 deg
to +225 deg. The marker info field shows the frequency and phase at the marker
4. Still in the FORMAT menu, select "Smith".
Performing a Reflection Measurement