Application CTSgo
7.1.5 Print Preview
This command is used to open the print preview dialog window in the report display. In this window, the
measurement report is displayed in hardcopy format. Use the arrow keys to scroll between the pages.
Icons are provided for switchover between single-page and double-page display. The displayed pages
are indicated in the field to the right of the icons. Printing is started by a click on the respective icon.
Click on Close to close the dialog and return to the report display mode.
7.1.6 Print
In the report display mode, the measurement report can be output to a printer. A dialog is opened
where the user can select the printer to be used, the pages to be printed and the number of copies to
be made. Use the print preview command to view the pages to be printed.
7.1.7 Print Setup
This command opens a dialog window at the system control level of your PC where a printer can be
installed. Refer to the Windows manual for more information.
Fig.: Print preview window