Application CTSgo
8 GSM Measurement Report
The measurement reports generated by the autotest provide a clear overview of measurement results.
This section describes the layout of the measurement reports.
8.1 Header of Measurement Report
The header of the measurement report contains all static settings of the measurement, eg set input
and output attenuation, CTS output power during location update and the selected BCCH channel.
Below this line are signaling parameters like the IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) of the
SIM card used, the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) of the measured mobile, power class
of the mobile and its revision level. The CTS identification is indicated in another line. Its purpose is to
facilitate the assignment of the measurement report to the instrument used. The configuration used for
the measurement is also indicated.
The header also contains general information such as date and time of completion of the
measurement, the operator’s name and a comment line. The top of the header shows the title
Measurement Report and next to it at the right a logo. In contrast to all other information, these two
elements are also printed on the subsequent pages. The Rohde & Schwarz logo printed at the right
can be replaced by another one. When items in the report are to be changed for further
measurements, select Report Settings in the Measurement menu.
Fig.: Report header