Remote Control
*PRE 0...255
PARALLEL POLL REGISTER ENABLE sets parallel poll enable register to the value indicated.
Query *PRE? returns the contents of the parallel poll enable register in decimal form.
*PSC 0 | 1
POWER ON STATUS CLEAR determines whether the contents of the ENABle registers is
maintained or reset in switching on.
*PSC = 0
causes the contents of the status registers to be maintained. Thus a service request
can be triggered in switching on in the case of a corresponding configuration of status
registers ESE and SRE.
resets the registers.
Query *PSC? reads out the contents of the power-on-status-clear flag. The response can be 0 or 1.
RESET sets the instrument to a defined default status. The command essentially corresponds to
pressing the [RESET] key. The default setting is indicated in the description of commands.
*SRE 0...255
SERVICE REQUEST ENABLE sets the service request enable register to the value indicated. Bit 6
(MSS mask bit) remains 0. This command determines under which conditions a service request is
triggered. Query *SRE? reads the contents of the service request enable register in decimal form. Bit
6 is always 0.
READ STATUS BYTE QUERY reads the contents of the status byte in decimal form.
SELF TEST QUERY triggers selftests of the instrument and outputs an error code in decimal form.
WAIT-to-CONTINUE only permits the servicing of the subsequent commands after all preceding
commands have been executed and all signals have settled (see also section 3.7 and "*OPC").